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With the recycling of caps and plastic bottles, students from Brazil will send donations to Fraternity without Borders projects in Africa By Kethelyn Mara – FWB     The Christian school Estação Criança, in Campo Grande – MS, joined the educational program Bottles into the Sea, of the humanitarian organization Fraternity Without Borders (FWB) and
In Pacaraima, FWB’s Center for Training and Reference receives action to relocate refugees and migrants in the labor market. The initiative had the partnership of World Vision (Visão Mundial) and resulted in the issuance of work cards and preparation of resumes for more than 100 people. By Taemã Oliveira, FWB     The Training and
Refugees and migrants opted for the process and won the chance of a fresh start in other states of Brazil By Taemã Oliveira, FWB Press Office/Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil  The project “Brazil, a heart that welcomes” from the humanitarian organization Fraternity without Borders (FWB) works in the state of Roraima, welcoming refugee families and migrants
O Projeto, que atende cerca de 200 crianças no Brasil, ultrapassou fronteiras  Por Marco Antonio Cruz – Assessoria de Imprensa   O Projeto Microcefalia, Amor sem Dimensões, da Organização humanitária Fraternidade sem Fronteiras (FSF), atua, desde fevereiro de 2017, oferecendo tratamento multidisciplinar para crianças com microcefalia e teve início no Instituto de Pesquisa Professor Joaquim