“No matter where the important thing is to serve to the limit of our strength,” reflects Simão Pedro on the fraternal practice.
Thursday, 21 July 2022
@simaopedrodelima was in Malawi with the Spirituality Caravan and answered questions about experiencing fraternity on another continent, in another country: “People have been making observations about taking actions in Africa since in Brazil there are many people who need attention. That’s a fair thought. Fraternity without Borders has several projects, most of them in
- Published in Apadrinhar é amar, Depoimentos, Destaque Notícias, Historias, Mais que uma Caravana, Nação Ubuntu, Reality, Ubuntu Nation Project, voluntariado
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Wednesday, 29 March 2017
The cause of the children with microcephaly in northeastern Brazil started with the work of the doctor and researcher, Adriana Mello – pHd in women ‘s health and fetal health specialist. For 20 years she has been performing ultrasound in pregnant women and since 2005 she has been doing research. In October of 2015, when
- Published in Brazil, Microcephaly, News, Reality