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In Malawi, Ubuntu School for refugee children, celebrates two years in activity. 310 children are currently enrolled in early childhood and elementary education Teacher.   By Taemã Oliveira, FWB Press Office.     The Ubuntu School, of the Ubuntu Nation Project, of the humanitarian organization Fraternity Without Borders (FWB), in Malawi – Africa, completes two
The next meetings will be held in Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul and Canada. By Kethelyn Mara – FWB The humanitarian organization Fraternity Without Borders (FWB) promotes, until March 16th, the event Talking about Fraternity in Brazil and abroad. The initiative aims to provide a reflection on what fraternity is and will be a series
The organization will also help purchase food for hungry refugee families in Malawi. By Marco Antônio da Cruz – FWB Press Office   The humanitarian organization Fraternity Without Borders (FWB) resume on Friday, January 21st, the campaign Heart Homes (Casas de Coração) – Malawi, which aims to raise funds to rebuild and construction of houses
In Roraima there are 4 work fronts embracing up to 1500 sheltered people. By Taemã Oliveira, FWB/Boa Vista, RR, Brazil press office   The Project Brazil, a heart that welcomes, of the humanitarian organization Fraternity without Borders (FWB), located in the state of Roraima is undergoing a restructuring and tripling the capacity to receive Venezuelan



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