FWB built its own reception center in Barragem thanks to a partnership with Coup de Pouce in France and our sponsors. This work is much celebrated and awaited! This is where the history of Fraternity without Borders began and where the founder of the FWB, Wagner Moura Gomes, set up the first reception center in 2009. From the house we rented at the time, we are moving to this new space of our own, built in partnership with Coup de Pouce. The spacious facility has classrooms, a cafeteria, bathrooms, a kitchen and a storage room. The main objective of this center will be to offer food and education to the people we take in. The finishing touches and furnishings are still missing before it can begin operating. It will have capacity for 1,200 children and is expected to be up and running by the second half of July.


Barragem is a very special place for FWB and this work is much celebrated and awaited! This is where the history of Fraternidade Sans Frontières began and where the founder of the FWB, Wagner Moura Gomes, set up the first reception center in 2009. From the house we rented at the time, we will move into our own space, built by the FWB with the support of our sponsors and Coupe De Pouce.


The creator of Fraternity Without Borders, Wagner Moura Gomes, visited Gaza province in Mozambique, where the FWB was founded 15 years ago. On the occasion, Wagner was welcomed with a cultural moment of singing and dancing presented by the Xigubo, Ngalanga and Marrabenta choral and dance groups typical of the southern region of Mozambique. Wagner took advantage of his trip to visit some FSF reception centers and agricultural production fields in the Chókwè district, and met with the young people in reception.


A storm with a cyclone hit Mozambique and had an impact on our Reception Center in Muzumuia, especially on the fields. Fortunately, there were no injuries, only material losses. If you can, make a one-off donation and help!


More than 300 pupils from the Chassanga and Malonguete Primary Schools, the Dingue and Malonguete Reception Centers, in the Chicualacuala district, in the Mozambican province of Gaza, received school supplies from their sponsors. Gratitude!!


To celebrate International Labor Day, the employees of the Shelter Mozambique Project had a lunch to celebrate the work they do with our refugees. The event was also marked by dancing.


During the arts caravan, the rooms of the new Fraternity Without Borders reception center in Barragem, in the Chókwè District, take on color with a painting done by the caravanners. It's an educational painting that will contribute to the children's cognitive development. And on the last day of the Arts Caravan's activities, the sponsors held an art exhibition of toys and games made from recyclable materials.


The Governor of Gaza province, Margarida Mapanzene Chongo, visited one of the Acolher Mozambique Project's reception centers in the Chókwè district. She learned about the activities carried out by the FSF in Mozambican villages. On the occasion, the Governor showed her admiration for the work that the FWB has been doing on behalf of children and the elderly who live in vulnerable conditions, and took the opportunity to encourage the FSF to continue with this humanitarian work that has greatly helped the development of the communities.


Paulina Cuna, 23, who was taken in by the Shelter Mozambique project, celebrated her graduation in nursing. Her graduation was made possible thanks to sponsorship, which guaranteed her materials, transportation, food and housing during her studies. Paulina joins seven other young people from the project who have completed their studies at university. Further 17 young people are attending universities and professional technical institutes in Mozambique. But there are still 30 young people from the project waiting in line for sponsorship so that they too can enter a university. There are more details in this report with Paulina.

“I arrived at the Fraternity through an invitation from the community in 2010

when I was just 9 years old. I felt the presence of love. The Fraternity plays an important role in my life in giving love and hope. What led me to pursue nursing is my state of health during my childhood. I became very ill and had to travel long distances to access health services. That's why I thought I'd take up nursing, to look after myself and others. I also fell in love with the way I was cared for and the affection they showed me. Thanks to Fraternity Without Borders, I was able to achieve my dreams. I've managed to become what I am today and I'm very grateful for that,"

Paulina Cuna, a young university student who was welcomed by the Shelter Mozambique Project..