The Brazil a Heart that Shelters Project held Employability Day at the Pricumã Reception Center. It was a full day of activities to support the sheltered community in producing CVs, work cards, registering young apprentices, registering for local job vacancies and vacancies for internalization, providing employment guidance with dynamics and a First Aid course for the Health Committee of the space. The action was carried out in partnership with PADF, Hermanitos, Refúgio 343 and the Brazilian Red Cross..


The young people and children at the Jardim Floresta indigenous shelter receive Portuguese language reinforcement classes with dialogues, words and everyday conversations so that they can have a better understanding and confidence in speaking Portuguese to the sheltered public.


The Community Participation and Protection teams at the Jardim Floresta shelter held an activity focused on preventing Gender-Based Violence. The women sheltered at the project had a very pleasant time, full of learning, exchanging experiences and acquiring knowledge about the laws that exist in Brazil to protect women. During the activity, a mirror dynamic was used with the women, where only positive and wonderful things were said by them about each other, raising the participants' self-esteem and promoting female sorority.


June 20 is remembered as Refugee Day and several activities were held in the two Fraternity Without Borders shelters in Boa Vista, Roraima, with the main objective of strengthening ties with the community, creating spaces to facilitate cultural exchange, promoting sports and artistic/cultural expression of the population we shelter.


As part of the Refugee Day activities, the 3rd edition of the "Fraternal Cup" was held in the Olympic Village, in partnership with FETEC, which promotes sport among the reception centers run by Fraternity without Borders. There were five sports: children's futsal, youth and adult futsal, volleyball, kickingball and dominoes. Sports are an effective way of promoting community integration and the well-being of those sheltered. For this reason, the "Brazil, A Heart That Shelters" project encourages the creation and structuring of Sports Committees managed by the community itself in the reception centers in order to stimulate the autonomy and self-management of those sheltered in actions to promote peaceful coexistence between migrants, ethnic groups and the local community.


The 1st edition of "BE PROUD" was held, an initiative implemented by people from the LGBTQIAPN+ community in organizations for the sheltered population. Among the topics covered were protection, employability and sexual and reproductive health.


At the Pricumã Sheltered Housing Center, two choirs have been created with the participation of those sheltered there. The youth and adult choir, with 12 members, is called Mosaico Cultural and the elderly choir, with 15 members, is "Voces de la Experiencia" (Voices of Experience). Rehearsals take place every two days in the evening and they often perform in the Fraternity Without Borders' reception centers. On Mother's Day, the Voces de la Experiencia choir gave its first performance outside our sheltered centers, at the Training and Internalization Centre (CCI) of Operation Sheltered. The idea is also to form a youth choir at the Jardim Floresta reception center.

"Refugee Day" on June 20th is not a festive date

it is a date that seeks to make visible the struggle of people who no longer feel safe in their country and seek better opportunities across borders. We still have a lot to do for this cause and as xenophobia is still a major obstacle, our role as a humanitarian organization is to provide clear and concise information to ensure that Refugee Rights are fulfilled," it is a date that seeks to make visible the struggle of people who no longer feel safe in their country and seek better opportunities across borders. We still have a lot to do for this cause and as xenophobia is still a major obstacle, our role as a humanitarian organization is to provide clear and concise information to ensure that Refugee Rights are fulfilled," Pedro Rodrigues, community participation officer at Project Brazil, a Heart that Shelters.

Pedro Rodrigues, community participation officer at Project Brazil, a Heart that Shelters.